Saturday, January 23, 2010

La la la.....

Another Sunday blog. (even though the date will say it's Saturday)

So I just woke up before. I was in bed. (that's good) But my blinds were open, my light was on, I was fully clothed with my bag still on my shoulder.

No idea what happened. Normally, even if I am really drunk, I still manage to get undressed.

I don't remember getting home. Or being at the Carlton Club. (I texted a friend who tells me we shared a cab home from there) Interesting.

Moving right along...

It's almost my 6 month anniversary of being single. That's a long time for me. I've done quite well I think. A Sydney friend bet me that I wouldn't stay single for 6 months (given my history of going from relationship to relationship). I win.

And apparently when it comes to men, I have a 'type'. It's not that I intentionally seek out these handsome, brown haired musician types. (OK, maybe I do a little) It just happens. So my new crush, is in fact a musician. Surprise surprise. He sings nice songs, has lots of guitars and is rather funny. Well, his in-between-song banter is very endearing anyway...

That's all for now...

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